Saturday, April 12, 2008

Arizona small business owners blow up idea of health insurance authority

Arizona small business owner oppose overwhelming, die they more offer health insurance to the idea of a government authority workers required and according to a new overview

Die National combination of Independent Business co-ordinated die Arizona small business members, die whether the condition asks, require all employers to more offer health the use if. Ninety-five percent of the NFIB overview answering set this Two percent recognized for idea against the idea.

There are plans a foot at the condition and federal levels as well as on that president campaign trail to increase health insurance covering. Democrats bend support to the Universalhealth care covering, either over an employer authority or any kind government run system. A request, to of of Universalhealth insurance to introduce could also show above on the voting card 2008.

Die republicans, die Arizona Sen. John McCain including are, support market and a consumer-driven health a insurance system.

Small business frequently struggle to more cover their workers because of the costs and the inflation. There are more than 1 million not insured inhabitants in the Arizona — a quarter of them children Die United States are the only industrialized country without any kind universal system.

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