Thursday, March 27, 2008

Audra Strickland Speaks Out About Health Care Insurance.

Got a curious broadcast letter from Audra Strickland’s office. Finally getting around to going through the other mail and opened it. Many Ventura county voters got these” Health Care” letters from Strickland.

After reading it many times, it seemed to have no point other than to say Health Savings Accounts were all the rage, giving one” control” of their health care policies, a tax free account would motivate those without health insurance to purchase it, and would aid in driving down costs to the public at large and we can’t have it because the DEMOCRATS are blocking it!

Seriously, Strickland states” Unfortunately for Californians, the Democrat majority is blocking those bills” Health Savings Accounts.

Hurray for the Democrats!

Health savings accounts pay for insurance policies. Health insurance policies are unbelievably expensive. When a family is not part of a group at work, these costs can eat up to 1000 per month.

Of course that is fine for a wealthy family, however a working to middle class family certainly can’t afford that. Well, unless that’s all they saved for, their health care and not their retirement. That is not to mention that the premium only pays for the honor of the policy. In addition to the monthly premiums, there are deductibles and copayments if you even think about using the insurance. Remember, insurance companies aren’t in the business of paying money. This can’t be called true health care, this is more like hemorrhaging.

Moreover, families with a sick family member may find it nearly impossible to obtain any coverage at all.

There must be some reason that most of the developed nations of the world are providing health care for their citizens. It might be viewed as the right thing to do.

But really aside from the Strickland letter blaming the Democrats for lack of a plan, there is little mention of better options. Such as state Senator Kuehl’s SB 840. One would wonder why our local elected official does not mention all of the alternatives. Certainly there are alternatives that can help all families, and certainly Democrats aren’t stopping folks from moving forward with at least Senator Kuehl’s plan.

In another letter, this time from Senator Kuehl, it appears that SB 840, the bill that would provide Californians with Universal Single Payer Health Care, is alive and well and gaining support with grass roots groups. Currently it is in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

On Sunday, January 27th and Monday, January 28th, the American Medical Students Association held their hugely successful third annual rally and lobby day in Sacramento, which included a day long training that drew nearly 400 med students from all over the state. The fact that so many overworked medical students spent an entire weekend, even taking a rare day off from school, to advocate for single payer health care shows an unparalleled level of dedication and passion. AMSA students give every single payer supporter hope and inspiration as they push for passage of the bill.

Single payer advocates are also busy preparing for a historical strategy summit taking place in Los Angles later this month that will bring together representatives from the broad coalition of organizations dedicated to bringing single payer to California. The summit demonstrates the unprecedented development of the organized and operational single payer movement necessary to bring universal health care to California. It’s the kind of grassroots movement that has been largely absent in the history of health reform, and it’s just one example of the changing landscape of health care politics.

Please see more about this important proposal to end the health care crisis for all Californians here.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Miss. Move presents health insurance plan

JACKSON, Miss. — Gov. Haley Barbour said Thursday suggests he Mississippi health a insurance exchange for small business during upcoming the legislative learning section.

Reporter meeting, required the governor also a complete study of the control system the Mississippi and said Leland Speed, former director Mississippi Development authorization, became lead die working group.

Barbour said the insurance exchange is necessary, because an estimated in Mississippi medical covering and a quarter of those work at small the business do not have people 500,000. It said the money of this small business spend on that insurance plan wouldn’t is subject for taxation. The same would turn company employees on, would have a die contribution to insurance plan to form.

Freiwillige program, was investment a require ” small” condition and law causing it, automatic controllers said to authorize. Barbour said die largest handicap to health care is cost.

“by a number small business of the coming more together and the purchase their insurance by health the exchange, which would be their plan, they die purchasing power, die of combining their number of the employees comes, thus their premiums lower are,” Barbour said received.

Barbour had promised during its re-election campaign, in order to regard tax structure the Mississippi with a goal of the Verringerns from of taxes to.

Business leaders, legislators and other experts begin to examine die tax codes of the condition in coming weeks it said.

Die public private commission places report by August. 31 to the governor and for legislation for the order. Meanwhile Barbour showed it wouldn’t support all possible attempts by die legislation 2008 pass a tax exchange request on. For die last two learning sections die legislation to reduce and its cigarette raise to the that grocer’s shop-expensively of the condition indirect tax has failed.

Legislators have said, which similar requests were probably represented during the learning section, Tuesday meet.

“I see each possible reason we ought do not deceive Barbour with our control system on a fragmentary basis,” said Thursday.

Automatic controllers said tax study commission will take federal, condition and local control systems in view.

OD Sivak, director Mississippi of the economic policy center, warned die, a die progressive federal tax system with a regressiven condition system won’t a create fair structure combined.

“federal tax cuts more over, which die were not fair last years” to people in the untereren tax brackets, said Sivak, whose center released a study of the control system the Mississippi in September.

Sivak said current system of the condition sets a disproportionate load on Kw_loweinkommen, working class families.

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